A memorable travelling - and lunch - companion

Created by Stephen 6 years ago

I shared so much of my working life at Tearfund with Jennie... and a very significant overseas trip to Latin America. Jennie was there when I ate Guinea Pig for Lunch (the title of the book I wrote about my travels) and she was fortunately at least a short distance away when the guinea pig took a terrible revenge!

She was great to travel with - whether teasing her as she struggled with a particularly unwilling horse in Paraguay, or spending some of an enforced day off riding a moped round a Caribbean island. She even shared in the only upgrade to business class I ever achieved - sadly, it was only a short connecting flight from Madrid to Heathrow - but we did our best to enjoy it.

More importantly, I remember watching her professionalism and care as she spoke to the Tearfund Overseas personnel she had come to visit.

Jennie was always thoughtful, forthright, determined, sharp - and good company.

Stephen (Rand)